The first traces of resinated wine can be traced back to antiquity. Residues of resin in wine have been found in Neolithic vessels in the Zagros of Northwest Iran (Hajji Firuz region). In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the use of spices, honey, flowers, herbs, or aromatic oils to preserve or flavor wine was common practice, while the prevalence of resin in the Greek area is due to the abundance of pine trees in the area.
The position of retsina in consumer preference has its ups and downs over the years. The consumption boom reached its peak until the 1960s, after which retsina receded in popularity and its consumption gradually decreased. However, in recent years the name and reputation of retsina has been upgraded among wine lovers both in the country and abroad.

The Greek legislation in force states that “the name “retsina” or “resinated wine” is a “Appellation by Tradition”, used for white and rosé dry wines that are traditionally produced only in Greece by adding Aleppo Pine (Pinus Halepensis) resin to the must of grapes”. In 2002, the traditional indications of retsina wines are enriched.